Finding the fun in odd places.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but an experience to be had.
Alan Watts
I’m a big fan of learning things for the sake of learning things (something I call learning things for the lulz). But over the last thirteen months, I’ve worked to build a broader practice of finding the fun in most things I’m involved in. This goes for almost everything I spend time on. It goes for work, school, parenting, personal projects, or even being stuck in line at the DMV (fantastic people-watching, especially if you narrate as David Attenborough in your mind).
No matter how insane things feel or how much pressure we might find ourselves in, there is always room to take a step back and try to find the joy, the play, and laugh at the absurdities of being alive right now and in this moment. We can get wrapped up in things and get frustrated, or we can try to find the hidden game, the fun, the creative way to approach things in our lives that allows us to learn and grow and be our best selves.
Of course, there are truly awful things that do not apply to this; some things warrant only endurance, survival, or escape. But once the dust settles and those awful things are behind us, we should never forget that you are still here and that there is more joy to be experienced in our lives.